Monday, October 1, 2007


The album has been out for well over a year in other parts of the world but tomorrow, The Pipettes' We Are the Pipettes, will finally be released in North America. It's taken too long, I think I've been listening to it for six months now. However, since many international artists are not getting a proper release here nowadays, let's just be grateful that The Pipettes are.

And that's because their debut album is FANTASTIC! Really. I don't have a bad thing to say about it or them. I also don't have anything new to say about their music that has not been said before. Yes, they are a throwback to the 60's girl-group pop era. Yes, the album has a retro sound. Yes, it has all been done before. Yet, We Are the Pipettes is still a modern indie pop album. It's lively and spirited and refreshing. You'll listen to it, quickly learn the lyrics to it, sing-along to it and probably have a dance to it (In the privacy of your own room, of course. Not me though, I'll probably pull a muscle or something).

The North American version has been slightly tweaked. Besides the new album cover, there are two new tracks that are not available anywhere else. Sadly, the older songs have been remastered for some reason. I'm not sure why. I mean, why change a good thing? But I've heard the 'newer' versions and it's not a big deal, especially if this is your first time hearing their songs.

I cannot recommend The Pipettes enough. Pick up the album and if you get a chance, get a hold of some of their B-sides like, 'Really That Bad' and 'Guess Who Ran Off With the Milkman'. Both of those can be found on the 5 track EP, Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me but there are lots more floating around the web that are worth checking out.

Download [mp3]: The Pipettes- Judy
MySpace: The Pipettes
The Pipettes: Official Webpage

Buy We Are The Pipettes

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