Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mew - A Dreamy Space Pop Band?

That's the caption under the band's official webpage when looking them up using Yahoo as your search engine. But don't let that deter you. Mew write terrific indie pop songs. The band themselves describe their music as pretentious art rock but I like to consider them as more of an upbeat Death Cab for Cutie (please excuse the use of comparisons, I hate it too). The Denmark-based band released their album 'And the Glass Handed Kites' in the US in July of 2006 and have steadily been gaining steam ever since. However, Mew are not new to the music scene. They formed back in 1995 and have released four albums since (including 'And the Glass Handed Kites'). Be sure to check out the songs 'Special' (provided below), as well as "The Zookeeper's Boy."

The band are also re-releasing 'Half the World is Watching Me' which sold all 5000 of its original printed copies back in 2000 and which has been unavailable ever since. It contains some of their most popular songs ans is a must-have for any Mew fans.

Download (mp3): Special
MySpace: Mew

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